Newark Youth
Newark Youth provides a range of services for young people, including youth clubs, football, one-to-one advice, social action projects, employment support and training courses.
The Trust provides support for weekly football coaching sessions. These provide a secure and safe environment for up to 200 young people aged 6 to 16 to play football and socialise. Newark Youth uses sport to develop skills and capabilities that enable young people to participate in society as independent and responsible citizens.

Switchback is an intensive rehabilitation programme that helps young adult offenders make real, long lasting change after their release from prison. This very different charity helps young men through the prison gates and into work supporting them on a one on one daily basis.

Splash was formed by Tower Hamlets residents in 1988 to give local people a voice in the regeneration resulting from the huge redevelopments proposed for near by Docklands. Splash are now an ACTIVE community group promoting social inclusion through a variety of Community and Youth Work Projects, clubs and after school groups.